Lifestyle & Portrait Photography
Portraits - Window of the soul
Not everyone is ready to place themselves in front of the camera. An aspect that is true for most people. It is not a skill or ability that is taught in school or by nature. However, it is formed in time and by exposing ourselves in uncomfortable situations. The goal of my work is to create a bridge between the insecurities and the trust of my clients. To guide them through the process of portrait photography.
The Outcome
A welcoming and warm conversation can go a long way to establishing trust. Some of the clients that I've had the pleasure of capturing, describe the feeling as one of a free-falling. It is essential for it to happen at the very beginning of the process.

The Outcome

The Outcome
A welcoming and warm conversation can go a long way to establishing trust. Some of the clients that I've had the pleasure of capturing, describe the feeling as one of a free-falling. It is essential for it to happen at the very beginning of the process.

The Impact
Most if not all portrait projects start as planned events. In some capacity, the dress, make-up and poses are thought out before the shoot. Most often than not, the same planning is put aside as an optional task list and improvisations based on the aforementioned conversation start to surface.